Bags are one of the most preferred accessories especially by women. At the same time, the bags that men sometimes prefer stand out with their stylish appearance and functionality. While bags symbolize elegance in daily life and special occasions, it is also very important to integrate with combinations. While the bags of our brand are obtained from leather material, it takes elegance as the main point. Bags draw attention with their different forms in every part of daily life. These forms must be of a quality that meets the need. For this reason, it is possible to talk about many types of bags. The products offered with travel bags, handbags and backpacks attract attention with their unique leathers. Bag models, also known as luxury bags, are prepared in a way that most of them are made of genuine leather. The remaining parts, on the other hand, are made up of zippers and a bit of fabric, and are combined in a complementary way. While referring to the brand with the logos on the bags, the different leather design on each product makes the product personalized. The bags draw attention with their alternatives such as python-crocodile-ostrich leather laptop bags and travel bags. Preferred leathers can also be used in models such as backpacks. Different animal skins are seen in models such as waist and shoulder bags, handbags. These leathers draw attention in every color as they have different patterns. At the same time, the dimensions of the products also vary. While handbags have a rectangular stylish form, backpacks contain designs that can be used easily in daily life. In addition to these, travel bags attract attention. Travel bag models can be easily used with parts suitable for both hand and shoulder carrying. It is possible to use Mhiraje bags in many different places at any time of the day. Bags that are both sporty and stylish appeal to all tastes. Luxury Bags , Python - Crocodile - Ostrich Skin Laptop Bag , Backpack , Handbag , Travel Bag , Waist and Shoulder Bag